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Last Updated: 11/24/2014

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Here are some useful tools that will assist you further in making the most from A content guide for enhanced profile customers explains in detail how to write the best descriptions for online advertisements. Information on our new ABCe relationship, a neat toolbar and our affiliate link program can all be found here.

Content Guide

We have compiled a guide to help you make the most of your Businessmagnet advertising package.We encourage you to write a unique, clear and concise description for your company, products and services - this will help your potential customers understand who you are and what you can offer them.

Download The Full Guide
A full guide in .pdf can be downloaded by Clicking Here or on the download arrow. Learn how to best utilise your advert on Businessmagnet.
Category: Utilities | Format: Adobe pdf | Date Added: 12.03.2009
Download The Full Guide

A detailed guide can be downloaded by Clicking here.

Did you know...?

That Businessmagnet has a comprehensive set of case studies that you can download, Click here.

The length of your description

Although a long description may give a potential customer all the information they need to proceed with an enquiry,  a large amount of text could also tire the customer and allow their attention stray. Equally, a very short description may be too vague to prompt the customer into making an enquiry, so we recommend a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 1000 - with around 500 words being optimum.

Why it's best to make your description unique

Making your narrative unique is important because the major search engines discredit information that is duplicated on other websites, so try to subtly adapt your description text to maximise its impact and search engine effectiveness.

Write your content in sections

Ideally, you should write your description in sections, with an introduction, a service / product range section and a summary section.

Your introduction section

The way you introduce your business is an important element of your advert. When a potential customer lands on your advert, you need to retain their interest - a well written introduction will prompt the visitor read-on and hopefully match your products or services to their needs. A good introduction could include information such as when you established your business, a general overview of the products or services you offer, any specialist capabilities you offer and any USPs you may have (unique selling points or propositions), as well as a brief history of the business.

How to supply images to Businessmagnet

We can accept your images in almost any format - .bmp, .eps, .gif, .jpg, .pdf, .png, .psd, .tga and .tif (ask your account manager for assistance with other formats). As images are normally reduced in dimension to around 200 pixels in width, it is important to make sure your images are recognisable and can be identified at this size.