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DSEAR Experimental Lecture

Denios Ltd News and PR from Denios Ltd - Published 31 July 2014 Designed to increase the awareness of the hazards associated with handling and storing hazardous materials to ensure a safer working environment.
A series of recent prosecutions serves as a reminder about the risks associated with the use of flammable and explosive substances in the workplace. Terrible injuries and even death can occur and premises can be damaged or destroyed, so it has never been a more pertinent time to review your use of dangerous substances.

The main legislation which applies to the use of flammable and explosive substances in the workplace are the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations - known as DSEAR, which places duties on employers to protect people from fires, explosions and similar events in the workplace. Very few are really aware that even the smallest amounts or slightest inadvertent handling of dangerous substances can have devastating consequences.

Our DSEAR experimental lecture has been designed to increase the awareness of these dangers to ensure a safer working environment and to ultimately save lives.

Developed for those responsible for training and fostering awareness in a company and its staff the informative, lively and thoroughly entertaining experimental lecture uses graphic demonstrations to explain the consequences of incorrectly handled flammable materials.

• Legal foundations
• How sources of danger arise. What is a flashpoint?
• The fundamentals on the origin of explosions, deflagrations and fires
• Risks resulting from improper storage and/or handling with these substances
• The meaning of the danger triangle

This event covers a portion of the employerÂ’s duty to inform and instruct its employees in the dangers associated with COSHH and DSEAR. It also details some of the requirements detailed in the Water Resources Act 1991.

Don't leave it to chance, act now and make sure you are complying with DSEAR and protecting staff from the risk of fire and explosion. For more information or to book your DSEAR lecture now, please call our technical consultants free on 0808 178 07 23.
Our lecture has been designed to increase the awareness of dangers to ensure a safer working environment and to save lives.

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