33 1/3 years may seem like a fairly obtuse anniversary, but as I was gazing into a record shop (now back in fashion apparently) the other day, I was inspired. The play speed of 33/1/3 rpm, and 33 1/3 years.
There has to be a competition opportunity in that, I thought. And so was born the idea of a competition for repurposing an old LP.
It seemed even more appropriate as here at Croft; we are shaping the future of filtration. We are environmentally aware and do our best to recycle and reuse wherever possible. Our Interexchange facility aims to replace throwaway filters with reusable, metal versions to help our clients save money, reduce waste materials and help the environment. The Croft Filters Interchange developed initially as part of a Shell STEP programme, came into being driven by our concern that many manufacturers spend thousands of pounds annually on disposable filters, adding to the waste mountain, drawing on resources and potentially harming the environment. ItÂ’s easy to make things better, by contacting Croft Filters with a sample of your current disposable filter; we can have our engineering assess and confirm if there is scope to supply you with a mental version that will do the same job but which we can clean and refurbish as necessary. So, to tie in with our environmental ambitions, we thought what better idea than to consider how you might go about repurposing an old LP. So, if you no longer listen to those old records, or have long since replaced your stereo with a streaming service, now is the time to get your thinking cap on and come up with an innovative, entertaining or useful idea.
To enter the competition, we are asking you to suggest how to repurpose a 12" Vinyl LP (in other words, how the actual record can be remade into something else). Your idea will be judged by our production team on the best ten suggestions (after all you trust them to make your filters!), and we will notify the winners direct and on our website. Your suggestion can be in the format of an actual repurposed vinyl sent to us or a photo or a sketch of your repurposed idea. If you would like to enter, itÂ’s easy.
Just send your name, company, telephone and your suggestion by email, head over to the website, or send the physical item you have made/repurposed. And yes, there is a quirky prize for this quirky competition, Croft is giving away ten prizes of Molton Brown (another manufacturer producing in the UK) vouchers to the value of, 33.33 each for the best suggestions! (Directors decision is final!) So, get your thinking cap on and send your original ideas to us before 16 December!