We have updated our website in order to keep pace with the latest online needs of our customers, including the latest mobile-friendly features. Why not bookmark us on your mobile phone today.
Customer details from our old website have been transferred to our new website, but for security reasons, some details have not been transferred, including previous orders, passwords and marketing preferences. You will need to reactivate your account to retrieve the details from your account on our old website. Please follow the instructions below to reactivate your account.
Account Reactivation:
Click 'Login' from any page, then Click 'Sign up'.
Enter your details including the same email address used to login to your account on our old website. Click 'Subscribe to our Newsletter?' box if you wish to receive our email newsletter.
Click 'Sign Up'.
If 'I'm Not a Robot' box appears, follow the instructions, then Click 'Submit'
You will see a message saying an email has been sent to your email address and to follow the instructions.
Check your email, you will have received an email with the subject 'Customer account activation'. Click 'Activate your account' button.
Now enter your new password and confirm, then Click 'Activate Account'.
You will be directed to your account which will show your name, email address and primary address on the left side of the screen. You will also receive an email to confirm your account has been activated.
Please email us at
[email protected] if you are experiencing any issues while reactivating your account.