For more than ten years, SilentPrint has been one of the leading batch printing applications for the Windows platform. It has enabled thousands of users to automatically print millions of documents with little or no intervention.
Today sees the release of SilentPrint3, a complete rewrite of the original, that introduces many exciting new features and the ability to batch print any supported document internally without the requirement for its native application (unlike previous releases of SilentPrint and competitive products).
Another big change for SilentPrint3 is that all products run as a Windows service thus enabling it to perform batch printing duties even while the PC/server it is installed on is logged off. A client application is also provided to facilitate configuration and the creation of batch jobs (see below).
Just like previous versions, the functionality of SilentPrint3 is accessed from the Windows Taskbar Tray. Click the SilentPrint3 icon and you are presented with a list of options that includes managing batch printing configurations. However, once configured, access to SilentPrint3 is normally minimal, with the service simply needing to be left to batch print any supported document thrown at it.
The operating concept behind SilentPrint3 remains the same as previous releases. A Windows folder, known as Watched Folder is associated with a printer driver to form what is known as a Task. Multiple Tasks can be created (the quantity of which depends upon the product being used) so almost any batch printing requirement can be satisfied.
Users continue to place the documents they want printed in a Watched Folder (by pasting them via Windows Explorer or by an application saving them there) so SilentPrint3 can output them to the associated printer driver. Alternatively, batch jobs containing a list of documents that require printing can be specified using SilentPrint3Â’s client application.
Another improvement over previous releases and competitive products is SilentPrint3Â’s ability to convert any supported document to PDF without the requirement of Adobe Acrobat, Foxit or a similar application/driver. As such, SilentPrint3 becomes a great standalone tool for automatically creating PDF documents (not supported by the Home product).
Four SilentPrint3 products are available – Home, Office, Business and Enterprise – each allowing a different number of Tasks to be created and different document processing speeds and functionality.
For a limited period, existing users of SilentPrint will receive discount* off the price of SilentPrint3.
Previous SilentPrint (legacy) releases are no longer available for purchase, and support for them will cease 30 April 2017.
Click here for further information, download an evaluation or buy now.