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Size Doesn't Matter

Protective Packaging Ltd News and PR from Protective Packaging Ltd - Published 23 July 2014 Foil bags manufactured by Protective Packaging Ltd, tailor made to any size, to provide corrosion protection during storage and shipment
When it comes to protecting an item from corrosion with the use of aluminium barrier foil packaging, the size of the item really doesn’t matter.

Protective Packaging Limited based in Manchester manufacture barrier foil bags to suit any item which may be susceptible to corrosion damage, regardless of shape or size.

A recent request to protect large turbine rotors provided us with the opportunity to demonstrate how the use of tailor made 3D barrier bags provide the quickest and most effective solution for corrosion prevention.

Prior to the use of the tailor made bags, rolls of foil were being used to heat seal around the rotor, a method which was time consuming and also created a lot of waste material.

Protective Packaging successfully quoted for a tailored bag which was then prototyped, being manufactured in two halves to enable lifting and shipment on bespoke transport stillages. The bag was overall 5.75 metres long and 4 metres in diameter.

Following the initial trials we were delighted to receive the following testimonial from the customer “We’ve just finished bagging the first Rotor using your manufactured bag. As anticipated, it’s a perfect fit”.

Based upon the successful prototype, an order for volume production was received, manufactured and delivered within a few days.

Aluminium Barrier foil 3D bags manufactured by Protective Packaging are individually tailored to customer specifications, in any size and any quantity.

3D barrier bags provide the quickest and most effective solution for corrosion prevention.

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