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The easier way to change high level banner displays

The Sussex Sign Co News and PR from The Sussex Sign Co - Published 29 January 2014 Banners and posters displayed high up, whether fitted externally or internally, can offer a great way of attracting the attention of customers.
Banners and posters displayed high up, whether fitted externally or internally, can offer a great way of attracting the attention of customers. However, they can be difficult and time consuming to change, so are generally reserved for long term displays.

However, with the innovative Ad-Cassette system, these are problems of the past. These banners can be changed quickly and easily from the ground through the use of a key operated electric drive. The work can be carried out by a single person, without the need for any specialist equipment or training. This allows them to be used for signage that needs updating frequently.

This new banner display format can be used both indoors and outdoors, providing the perfect solution for a wide range of banners, posters and signs. The self-tension system ensures that the finished display looks perfect and professional every time.

The Ad-Cassette display systems are available in standard 16 sheet to 96 sheet variations. They can also be designed to specific sizes for custom installations.

Here at The Sussex Sign Company we’re always on the lookout for new products in the signage industry, providing our customers with the most effective ways of advertising their businesses.

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