ABL Circuits Ltd

ABL Circuits Ltd

Icknield Way
Baldock Hertfordshire

  • ISO 9001 : 2015 Quality Assured
  • Established 1983
  • UK based PCB Manufacturing and Assembly
  • Bespoke Service
    Expert Services
    Experienced Staff
    UK Services

    ABL Circuits Ltd

    The Fastest Complete Printed Circuit Board Service in the UK

    ABL Circuits is a printed circuit board company, who have offered a state-of-the-art UK PCB Manufacturing Service for more than 40 years. We have refined our processes to ensure we can offer the highest quality PCB products in the shortest possible time.

    Our attention to quality is where we exceed other PCB assembly companies. Our PCB products are inspected throughout the PCB production process to ensure the highest quality printed circuit boards are delivered to you.

    With the state-of-the-art technologies we employ, along with our highly trained workforce, we are able to ensure that every PCB we provide matches your design requirements, whatever industry you operate in.

    With our ISO 9001-2015 Accreditation you can be totally confident that we have been fully assessed and are committed to providing you with the highest levels in manufacturing and production of printed circuit boards. Reliable service from a leading PCB Manufacturer.

    What we provide:

    PCB Design: Our PCB design is done by an in-house CAD team, our entire design and production process takes place at our factory in Baldock, Hertfordshire.

    Engineering our circuit boards in the UK helps to ensure the quality that you need, and allows us to offer the fastest lead times of any British PCB manufacturer.

    PCB Manufacturing: Our PCB prototype service is among the fastest and most reliable in the industry. We aim for same-day delivery of working test models.

    If you need to ensure the core circuits of a PCB design will function as intended on an assembled board, we can get one to you in as little as eight hours.

    Prototyping is a key part of a complete bespoke PCB manufacturing service, and a crucial step in preparing your specified circuit designs for a full manufacturing run.

    PCB Prototypes: Our efficient production facility and skilled workforce can produce PCB prototypes within 8 hours from receipt of data.

    As one of the country's most reliable and trustworthy PCB manufacturers, you can be rest assured your PCB prototype will be manufactured, quality checked and returned to you for your own testing or development in the shortest possible timescale.

    PCB Assembly: Our PCB assembly service takes away from the time-consuming stress of component procurement and assembly.

    We use our skills and expertise to produce fully assembled Printed Circuit Boards delivered to your door, providing you with a complete project management service.

    After designing and making your PCBs, we can either assemble boards using your own components, or we source components on your behalf.

    PCB Reverse Engineering: Our reverse engineering service allows us to reproduce existing boards, recreate and improve faulty PCBs, or design all new boards to replicate the functionality of those you already have.

    We do this by computer-scanning artwork, photos or PCBs to gather CAD data that allows us to produce new boards. This is a much cheaper process than a total redesign, and one that ensures your new PCBs will function just like your existing ones.

    Total PCB Solutions: ABL Circuits offers a total PCB solution, managing the entire process from consultation to design, manufacturing, assembly, and delivery.

    We begin with a customer consultation to understand your needs, then proceed with the design and production of your PCBs.

    Our comprehensive project management ensures you can focus on your business while we handle all your PCB requirements.

    ABL Circuits - PCB Manufacturer and Assembly

    Quotation Marks

    Quality printed circuit boards, manufactured perfectly, delivered on time, every time so you achieve your deadlines ... guaranteed!

    Quotation Marks

    Opening Hours

    Monday 08:00 to 17:00
    Tuesday 08:00 to 17:00
    Wednesday 08:00 to 17:00
    Thursday 08:00 to 17:00
    Friday 08:00 to 15:00
    Saturday Closed
    Sunday Closed

    Accepted Payment Methods

    Key Personnel
    Mark Leverett
    Mark Leverett Managing Director
    Based on 3 Reviews
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    Products and Services

    1. Assembly
    2. Assembly Service
    3. Assembly Services
    4. Circuit Board Assembly
    5. Circuit Board Design
    6. Circuit Board Manufacture
    7. Circuit Boards
    8. Circuit Boards Prototype
    9. Contract Electronic Manufacture
    10. Contract Electronic Manufacturing
    11. Contract Electronics Manufacturer
    12. Contract Electronics Manufacturing
    13. Contract Manufacturing Electronic Assembly Services
    14. Contract PCB Assembly
    15. Control Instrumentation Design Services
    16. Control Panel Assembly
    17. Controlled Impedance PCB Design
    18. Controlled Impedance PCB Manufacture
    19. Conventional PCB Assembly
    20. Custom PCB
    21. Customised Electronic Assemblies
    22. Double Sided PCB
    23. Electro-Mechanical Assembly
    24. Electromechanical Assembly Services
    25. Electronic
    26. Electronic Assemblies
    27. Electronic Assembly
    28. Electronic Assembly Equipment
    29. Electronic Cable Assemblies
    30. Electronic Circuit Manufacture
    31. Electronic Circuits
    32. Electronic Components
    33. Electronic Contract Manufacturer
    34. Electronic Contract Manufacturer Company
    35. Electronic Contract Manufacturer Services
    36. Electronic Contract Manufacturing Service
    37. Electronic Contract Services
    38. Electronic Contract Supplier
    39. Electronic Contracts
    40. Electronic Control Panels
    41. Electronic Control Services
    42. Electronic Control Systems
    43. Electronic Engineer
    44. Electronic Engineering
    45. Electronic Engineering Service
    46. Electronic Engineering Services
    47. Electronic Engineering Solutions
    48. Electronic Equipment
    49. Electronic Equipment And Instruments
    50. Electronic Equipment.
    51. Electronic Manufacture
    52. Electronic Manufacturer
    53. Electronic Manufacturers
    54. Electronic Manufacturing
    55. Electronic Manufacturing Services
    56. Electronic PCB Subcontractors
    57. Electronic Product Manufacturing
    58. Electronic Sub-Assemblies
    59. Electronic Systems
    60. Electronics Assembly
    61. Electronics Assembly Services
    62. Flex Rigid PCB
    63. Flex Rigid PCBFast Turnaround PCB
    64. Flexible PCB
    65. Lead Free PCB Assembly
    66. Leaded PCB Assembly
    67. LED Assembly
    68. LED Assembly Services
    69. LED Assembly Solutions
    70. LED Circuit Board Indicators
    71. LGA Placement Service
    72. Lighting Pcb Assembly
    73. Manufacture PCB
    74. Mechanical Build
    75. Metal Backed PCB
    76. Micro Probes
    77. Micro-Controller PCB Assemblies
    78. Multi Layer PCB
    79. Multi-Layer PCBs
    80. Multilayer Manufacture
    81. Multilayer PCB
    82. Multilayer PCB Design
    83. Mydata SMT Process
    84. Packaging - Plastic Based
    85. Pads PCB Design
    86. Panel Assembly
    87. PC Backup
    88. PC Barcode Software
    89. Pc Board Power Supplies
    90. PC Build
    91. PC Business Software
    92. PCB
    93. PCB Accessories
    94. Pcb Antistatic Bags
    95. PCB Assemblies
    96. PCB Assemblly Cambridge
    97. PCB Assembly
    98. PCB Assembly Equipment
    99. PCB Assembly Midlands
    100. PCB Assembly Service
    101. PCB Assembly Services
    102. PCB Assembly South Wales
    103. PCB Assembly Systems
    104. PCB Assembly Wales
    105. PCB Assemby
    106. PCB Backed Membranes
    107. PCB Cases
    108. PCB Circuit
    109. PCB Circuit Board
    110. PCB Clip-In
    111. PCB Compnents
    112. PCB Component Kitting
    113. PCB Connectors
    114. PCB Construction
    115. PCB Conveyors
    116. PCB Design
    117. PCB Design & Assembly
    118. PCB Design Microcontrollers
    119. PCB Design Service
    120. PCB Design Services
    121. PCB Designer
    122. PCB Designers
    123. PCB Designs
    124. PCB Development
    125. PCB Disposal
    126. PCB Edge Connectors
    127. Pcb Enclosures
    128. PCB Fabrication
    129. PCB Fasteners
    130. PCB Handling Equipment
    131. Pcb Holders
    132. PCB Kitting
    133. PCB Laser Marking
    134. PCB Layout
    135. PCB Layout Services
    136. PCB Layout Software
    137. PCB Manufacture
    138. PCB Manufacture Solutions
    139. PCB Manufacturer
    140. PCB Manufacturers
    141. PCB Manufacturing
    142. PCB Membrane
    143. PCB Microcontrollers
    144. PCB Modification
    145. PCB Mounting Fuses
    146. PCB Mounting Switchmode Power Supplies
    147. PCB Mounting Transformers
    148. Pcb Pillars
    149. PCB Population
    150. PCB Potting
    151. PCB Printed Circuit Board
    152. PCB Production
    153. PCB Prototypes
    154. PCB Prototyping
    155. PCB Recycling
    156. PCB Redesign
    157. PCB Repair
    158. PCB Repairs
    159. PCB Software
    160. PCB Soldering
    161. Pcb Spacers
    162. PCB Standoff
    163. Pcb Standoffs
    164. PCB Supplier
    165. PCB Suppliers
    166. PCB Supply
    167. PCB Surface Mount Assemblies
    168. PCB Surface Mounted
    169. PCB Switch
    170. PCB Switches
    171. PCB Terminals
    172. PCB Testing
    173. PCB Tracking
    174. PCB Transformers
    175. PCB UK
    176. PCBs
    177. Pins
    178. Pogopins
    179. POP Assembly
    180. Potting
    181. Power Supplies PCB Mounted
    182. Precision Pins
    183. Press Fit Backplanes
    184. Press Fit Connectors
    185. Printed Circuit
    186. Printed Circuit Assembly
    187. Printed Circuit Board
    188. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Solenoids
    189. Printed Circuit Board Design
    190. Printed Circuit Board Layout
    191. Printed Circuit Board Manufacture
    192. Printed Circuit Board Manufacturers
    193. Printed Circuit Board Manufactures
    194. Printed Circuit Board PCB
    195. Printed Circuit Board PCB Assembly
    196. Printed Circuit Board PCB Design
    197. Printed Circuit Board PCB Manufacturer
    198. Printed Circuit Board Prototype
    199. Printed Circuit Board Repairs
    200. Printed Circuit Board Simulation
    201. Printed Circuit Boards
    202. Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)
    203. Printed Circuit Bourd Manufacture
    204. Printed Circuit Design
    205. Printed Circuit Layout
    206. Printed Circuit Manufacture
    207. Printed Circuit Manufacturers
    208. Printed Circuit Services
    209. Printed Circuitboard Assembly
    210. Printed Circuits
    211. Printed Circuits Boards
    212. Printed Circuits Flexible Multilayer Prototype PTFE RF
    213. Probes
    214. Product Design And Development Services
    215. Prototype PCB
    216. Prototype PCB Assembly
    217. Prototype PCBs
    218. PWB Manufacturer
    219. Quick Turn PCB
    220. Resin Encapsulation
    221. RF Coaxial Connectors
    222. RF Coaxial Probes
    223. RF PCBs
    224. Single Sided PCB
    225. Single Sided PCB Design
    226. SMD Assembly Services
    227. SMD Capacitors
    228. SMD Components
    229. SMT And Through Hole PCB Assembly
    230. SMT Assemblies
    231. SMT Assembly
    232. SMT Assembly Service
    233. SMT Assembly Solutions
    234. SMT BGA Rework
    235. Solder Jet Printing
    236. Solder Paste
    237. Solder Wire
    238. Soldering Stations
    239. Specctra Autorouting Service
    240. Spring Contact Test Probes
    241. Spring Pins
    242. Stencil Free Process
    243. Sub Contract PCB Assembly
    244. Subcontract Assembly
    245. Subcontract Assembly Services
    246. Subcontract Electronics Assembly
    247. Subcontract Procurement & Assembly
    248. Surface Mount Assemblies
    249. Surface Mount Assembly
    250. Surface Mount Components
    251. Surface Mount PCB Manufacturing
    252. Surface Mount PCB Prototyping
    253. Surface Mount Stencils
    254. Surface Mount Technology

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