The Ultimate Guide for the YSI ProDSS instrument provides helpful insights, instructions and troubleshooting tips for calibrating your ProDSS water quality meter.
The guide includes a Calibration Worksheet to help you track and document all your calibrations and the performance of your sensors. For accurate calibration results, be sure to follow the calibration procedures in the manual of the meter and to check that your calibration solutions are fresh.
What You'll Find in the Guide?
Temperature | Conductivity | pH | ORP | DO | Turbidity | Depth |
Ammonium | Nitrate | Chloride
You will also find instructions on how to:
install and uninstall sensors
clean a sensor port
verifying sensor accuracy & calibration
resetting a sensor to factory default
Keep reading or download the easy printable guide to get all the tips and start calibrating your ProDSS like a pro!
Don't have a ProDSS yet? Be sure to read our post on the 7 Things You Need to Know about the ProDSS or download the newly issued brochure with all the main highlights about the ProDSS.
Should you need any further information about the ProDSS water quality meter, visit our website: